In order to sign in with a Google account or to sign out, a web app running on Google App Engine needs to navigate to a URIs that start with /_ah. If the app is configured to use a service worker, the service worker will intercept these URIs and won't allow the sign-in/sign-out flow to continue.
In order to enable sign-in/sign-out for a Polymer app, polymer.json configuration needs to specify swPrecacheConfig option, e.g.:
"builds": [
"preset": "es6-unbundled",
"swPrecacheConfig": "sw-precache-config.js"
In order to enable sign-in/sign-out for a Polymer app, polymer.json configuration needs to specify swPrecacheConfig option, e.g.:
"builds": [
"preset": "es6-unbundled",
"swPrecacheConfig": "sw-precache-config.js"
And sw-precache-config.js file needs to specify navigateFallbackWhitelist option:
module.exports = {
// Everything except '/_' prefixes
navigateFallbackWhitelist: [/^(?!\/_).*/]
When built with these options, the generated service worker will allow a Polymer app to successfully navigate to sign-in/sign-out URIs.
See Generating a Service Worker for more information.